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 Kimberly Mills is a true warrior who has walked through the trenches of grief more times than none. Her resilience is admirable and in My Truth Enduring Death on Many Levels, Kimberly shares her story of courage and strength. She recounts several moving experiences, including the pain of becoming parent less by the age of eighteen, which would bring you to tears but leave you in awe of her incredible strength. Today. Kimberly's purpose and passion lies in helping others overcome the pain and grief associated with the loss of a loved one. She's connected with organizations that provide grief counseling and services to children who have lost their parents.

Recently Kimberly branched out into speaking at events which has afforded her the opportunity to host a radio show on iHeartRadio on Saturday mornings. She is the Executive Director of Sweet J's Clubhouse and Co-Founder of UECP (Urban Equine Connection Program).  Kimberly is a strong believer that If Grief is Exposed, Confronted then it CAN be defeated so The Journey will continue!


Together we can and Together we will!


© 2016 by Kimberly Mills, Kim Mills Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.

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